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Macrobiotics Made Easy (Home Study)

Macrobiotics Made Easy (Home Study)

Macrobiotics Made Easy (Home Study)

This home study course is ideal if you’re new to macrobiotics or looking for a refresher to regain focus and inspiration.

Start Improving Your Health Today

This home study course is perfect for you if you are just beginning with macrobiotics or if you would like a refresher and need some inspiration with getting back on track.

  • Commit to this self-paced journey and say yes to your health and happiness
  • Learn the macrobiotic, holistic approach to your wellness
  • Return to the kitchen with enthusiasm and ease

What will I learn?

Modules 1-4 are taught by Oliver Cowmeadow and modules 5-8 are taught by Sharlene Belusevic.

Module 1 – What is Macrobiotics?

This module outlines the history, development and aims of macrobiotics as well as how we may use macrobiotics as a tool for personal growth and transformation.

Module 2 – What is the Macrobiotic Diet?

Discover the basic principles of yin and yang and how this is applied to diet. You’ll also learn about the effects of imbalanced eating and the benefits of balanced eating.

Module 3 – Healing With Macrobiotics

Find out how many common health problems can be healed with macrobiotics. You’ll learn how to use yin and yang to understand food, lifestyle, emotions and causes of illness.

Module 4 – Creating Your Balanced, Healthy Life

Identify how to create balance in your life using yin and yang, and a holisitic approach that covers your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health.

Module 5 – How To Cook Healthy Breakfasts

Join us in the kitchen as you’ll discover the art of macrobiotic cooking and how to make a variety of different macrobiotic breakfasts.

Module 6 – How To Cook Healthy Meals

Learn how to plan your meals and create mains meals depending on the length of time you have available to cook.

Module 7 – How To Cook Healthy Desserts & Snacks

Discover how to create a range of delicious, nutritious and healthy desserts and snacks.

Module 8 – Overcoming Obstacles & Where To Go From Here

Here you’ll learn some of the most common pitfalls of starting macrobiotics and how you avoid them. You’ll also get clear on what your next steps might be for your health and happiness.

How The Course Works

Once you sign up, within 3 working days you will receive an email with all the modules and handout in. You can then decide how best to work your way through the materials. We recommend giving yourself time to really sit and be with each module, giving space to fully digest all of the teachings.

With the cooking modules, you can either gather all of the ingredients you need and cook along at the same time, or simply watch and enjoy first and then make a plan to recreate the meals and dishes in the kitchen at a tiime that suits you.

If you have any questions or need any further help, you can email us at or leave comments for each of the modules and we will respond as soon as we can.


Bookings for online courses are often last minute. Please be sure that you are happy and committed to the course as we do not give refunds for online courses.

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