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What Is Macrobiotics?

Delve into the world of macrobiotics, an approach that offers unique insights into achieving health, balance, and overall wellbeing, and find out how our courses can teach you to harness the power of macrobiotics for a healthier lifestyle.

Our Courses

What Is Macrobiotics?

A Fusion of East & West

Macrobiotics is an exciting fusion of East and West that not only offers an effective solution to health problems but gives a blueprint for vibrant physical health and emotional and spiritual wellbeing.

Through a system of oriental diagnosis, diet and personal development, this holistic approach to health and wellbeing is rooted in a combination of Eastern philosophy and modern approaches to nutrition that aims to both heal and prevent illness.

Understanding Macrobiotics

Macrobiotic Cooking

Macrobiotic cooking is an alchemy, creating colourful and varied mostly plant-based (vegan) meals using the flavours and energetic nature of foods to create balance in the body and emotions. It includes whole grains, vegetables and vegetarian protein from beans, hummus, tofu, tempeh and other bean products, with smaller amounts of seeds and nuts, fruits and sea vegetables, and usually some fish or seafood.

Meat, dairy ingredients, refined sugar and processed foods are rarely or never eaten, and the diet includes a variety of fermented foods for optimum gut health.

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What Is Macrobiotics?

Ancient Principles
For Life

The ancient oriental principles of yin and yang and life energy (Ki) give an understanding of how to create a dynamic balance in our lives, food and health. In macrobiotics, ingredients are selected from the same climate and seasonally to get the right foods for our body at the right time.

The word macrobiotics stands for the ‘great life’ or the ‘big view of life’ and implies an unconditional appreciation and gratitude for all life whatever our circumstances. It is not a diet, religion or a fixed dogma but the art of living to our full human potential, trusting in ourselves and the process of the universe we belong to, which brings a sense of peace and deep fulfilment.


Health and Healing

The macrobiotic approach has gained a wide reputation for its effectiveness in healing many health issues from everyday problems like colds and hayfever, to more serious illnesses like type 2 diabetes and arteriosclerosis.

Most illnesses are caused by imbalances in our daily lives and diets, and changes in cooking, attitudes and lifestyle can be used to bring about healing.

Western medical advice and scientific research has, in the last 30 years, been moving closer and closer to the macrobiotic approach to healthy eating and living, advising an increased intake of whole grains, vegetables and vegetarian sources of protein, and less meat, sugar and dairy foods.

As well as carefully considering food intake, macrobiotics includes daily Do-in exercises to promote Ki flow in the body, and aims to live in harmony with the natural world, inspiring us to take responsibility for maintaining our own health and that of the environment in which we live; having the lowest carbon footprint and feeding the greatest number of people in our world of rapidly expanding populations.

The holistic teachings have had a major impact on the complementary health movement, introducing ideas on the nature of food and how it powerfully affects our health, as well as bringing many natural whole plant foods into Western society.

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Our Courses

Residential Courses

A complete learning experience at our Devon-based school – our residential courses offer hands-on training in macrobiotic cooking, nutrition, and lifestyle practices.

Residential Courses

Professional Training Programmes

Professional courses designed for those interested in becoming certified macrobiotic practitioners or chefs. For newcomers to the field or those looking to deepen their expertise.

Professional Train Programmes

Online Learning

Study macrobiotics from the comfort of your home with our flexible online courses. Covering both theory and practical applications, our online platform allows you to learn at your own pace while still receiving guidance from our expert tutors. 

Online Learning

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