Free Webinars
Upcoming Webinars
As well as an excellent system of self-health care and personal development, macrobiotics has always also been a movement initiating positive changes in society. Macrobiotics draws on the traditional wisdom from Eastern philosophy and medicine, and presents them in an easily understood way, with lots of practical steps you can take.
Oliver Cowmeadow has given thousands of Health Consultations over the past forty years and has a wealth of experience in helping clients achieve better health and heal many health problems.
You will need to register below to receive a Zoom link to each webinar. To begin with these webinars will be free.
Free Webinars
How Not To Get Cancer
- March 25th
- 19.00 – 20.30 UK time
Now 1 in 2 people in modern society develop cancer in their lifetime, bad odds! Yet people are surprised and shocked when they find they or family members or friends have a cancer diagnosis. As a culture there is a lot of denial that this is a very common illness, and if we live a normal modern lifestyle eating a typical modern diet, we stand a high chance of developing this very nasty disease.
Macrobiotics has long promoted a healthier way of eating and living, raising our levels of health, and reducing our chances of developing a whole range of health problems that have become common today. If you want to take your health in your own hands, and reduce your chances of getting cancer, listen to this talk!
I will be looking at a whole range of things you can start doing now that will reduce your chances of developing cancer, including dietary changes, exercises, creating a more balanced lifestyle, and emotional healing work.
Free Webinars
How To Stay Healthy As You Age
- April 30th
- 19.00 – 20.30 UK time
It becomes more challenging to stay well as we age, for two reasons. Firstly our life energy is declining, so there’s less reserves to stay healthy. So let’s learn how to preserve our life energy and inner resources as long as possible so keeping ourselves well and vital.
The second reason is that as we age, any unhealthy dietary or lifestyle habits have longer to cause problems in the body. Longer for fats to build up in the heart and arteries, prostate or breasts, longer for organs to become weak in their functioning and so on.
However, many of the underlying imbalances in the body that end up creating symptoms and illnesses can still be rebalanced, relieving many problems. Much better of course is to adopt a healthier way of eating and living and prevent problems developing in the first place!
Oliver will be giving guidelines on how to prevent and to heal a range of common problems, from incontinence to arthritis, osteoporosis, hearing loss, poor memory and depression, deep cold and low energy, dementia and cardiovascular disease.
Free Webinars
How To Stay Vital and Energetic
- May 22nd
- 19.00 – 20.30 UK time
A large proportion of people are either chronically tired, exhausted, or have chronic fatigue. A part of modern life is consuming quick energy sources like coffee, black tea, energy drinks, and sugar and fat filled snacks. And yet so many people are still exhausted!
Actually these ‘quick fix’ energy sources, in the long run weaken the body. So people get trapped in needing more and more of them in order to keep going, and in the process progressively weaken their internal energy reserves.
Oliver will be using Oriental medicine to describe all the sources of energy available to us, which organs in our bodies are responsible for bringing in energy and storing it, and how we can take good care of these organs.
Learn how to fuel your body with Real Energy!
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